Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wed 9 Nov: Meeting (1): Minutes

Team leader: James McL
Team: Natalie, John and Samir

1. Review of the Requirements
Taken from PX4007: A Case Study in Fibre Optic Communications Handout.

Immediate requirement is for a secure 45km link to allow a laptop computer at the remote station to access sensitive information at HQ. The link will be used to transmit digital information at a maximum rate of 12 Mbps and it is specifically required that there shall be no repeater stations en route.

The team is asked to recommend a suitable combination of source, fibre optic cable and detector for a working system. In broad terms this means that the source must be capable of launching a beam which is pulsed on and off at 12 MHz and that this signal can be detected unambiguously by a detector 45km away, despite the inevitable degradation that accompanies the journey.

A cheap system is required, and the link must be a multimode fibre driven by an LED source (single mode fibers and laser diode sources cannot be considered).

Recommendations must be backed up with a clear explanation of:
(i) the physical parameters that govern the choice of components
(ii) the relevant properties of the components (generic types, or preferably, actual devices) that enable them to meet the specifications

Assessment components:
1. Technical report: set out the specifications of the system, including info on component sources and costs, and technical parameters of the devices and cables in question (including complete calculations showing how specifications of the individual components and performance).
2. Presentation: 20 minutes with all group members contributing equally.
3. Blog: Ongoing blog, minutes of project meetings included and individual members will write up brief accounts of their work as they go along.
4. Peer Assessment Form

2. Allocation of Roles/ System Components

1. Light sources - John
Basic Info: Types of light sources, in particular LED which is required. Properties relevant to the design: available power, operating wavelength, bandwidth and rise time.

2. Optical fibres - James
Basic Info: Two basic types of fibres (SI and GRIN). Must be a multimode fibre (single mode fibres are explicitly excluded from the design). Properties relevant to the design: attenuation, operating wavelength and pulse spreading (due to material dispersion, waveguide dispersion and modal distortion)

3. Detectors - Sam
Basic Info: Basic types of photosensitive semiconductor diodes (PIN and APD). Properties relevant to the design: sensitivity/responsivity, rise time, junction capacitance and dark current.

4. Couplers and connectors - Natalie
Basic Info: Any power losses associated with connection of the source and detector to the cable or joints in the cable should be considered. Repeater stations are not allowed.

3. Tasks until next meeting (Fri 11 Nov)

Each member of the group is to look into their sections and learn the basic terminology.
Must remember to keep a track of all references used.

4. Blogging

With regard to blogging, each member is to submit what they've done each week with a summary to be included in the blog at the end of each week/every Friday evening (this is an initial idea which may be amended as the project goes on).

Natalie will be updating the blog and compiling the technical document. 

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